Renew Your Mind Body & Sole
Alternative Therapies for Better Health
Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is Reflexology?

A:  Reflexology is a system of massage using thumb, finger and hand techniques to relieve tension and illness, based on the theory that there are reflex points on the feet, hands and head, linked to every part of the body.

Q:  How often should I come to a Reflexology session?
A:  Every body is different.  I recommend once per month, but once a week is beneficial as well.  It all depends on the problem you are experiencing.

Q:  What should I wear to a Reflexology session?  

A:  Wear something comfortable.  Pants need to be rolled up to the knees and socks taken off and sleeves need to be rolled to the elbows.  I work on the feet to the knees and the hands to the elbows.

Q:  What is Reiki?

A:  Reiki is a Japanese technique of "laying on hands" for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing by channeling universal energy.

Q:  What should I wear to a Reiki session?

A:  Wear something comfortable.  You are clothed during the session so you want to be comfortable.

Q:  How often can I have a Reiki session?

A:  Reiki can be done daily but once or twice a month is ideal.

Q:  What are the differences between Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki III?

A:  Reiki I is healing the self, others, plants and animals.  Reiki II is doing distance healing, meaning you are able to bring the recipients energy to you to heal them as if they are right there.  Reiki III is a Reiki Master/Teacher, who teaches Reiki.  

Q: Can Reiki energy be harmful?

A:  Reiki can not be used to cause harm.  Reiki energy is healing life force energy.

Q:  What is Ionic Foot Detox?

A:  Ionic foot detox is a water foot-bath that utilizes steel electrodes which cleans, balances and enhances bio-energy, a vital force present in the body's fluids. 

Q:  Why would a person need to use an Ionic Foot Bath? 

A:  Our body's are burdened with stress, additives, pesticides, and herbicides.  A foot detox puts negative Ions into the body helping it so it can remove the toxins on its own.

Q:  How often can a Foot Detox be done?

A:  A foot detox can be done once every three days. The body will automatically detox on its own thru urination, sweat and defecation after having a detox session for three day.

Q:  Is it safe for everyone?

A:  People with battery operated implants (pacemakers), organ transplants, or have had an organ removed should not do a foot detox.  People with low blood sugar should eat first and people who take a lot of medications should check with their doctor first.

Q:  What is Acupressure?

A:  Acupressure is a healing art of finger pressure used on key points on the body to stimulate the body's self-curative abilities.  It encourages the release of muscular tension, increased circulation of blood and the flow of the body's life force energy simply by pressing these special points. 

Q:  What should I wear to a session?

A:  Wear something comfortable.  You will be fully clothed during the session so you want to be comfortable.

Q:  How often can acupressure be done?

A:  Acupressure can be done many times a day.  I will teach you the points so you can do them at home in between your monthly session, which I recommend. 



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 715-505-7393
815 Main St. E, Menomonie, WI 54751
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